Saturday, August 2, 2008

Pandas Post Quake

The pandas that I previously blogged about had some trouble when the earthquake hit China in May 2008

Thank goodness for rescuers.

Poor pandas freaked out and just tried to get to the highest place, away from the shaky ground.

Three of them were still unaccounted for at the time of report (June 12, 2008), so I don't know what's happened to those. (20 different panda reserves were affected). I hope that they're OK, so that they can go back to their happy environment.

A place to play...

... where they can take naps with their buddies, or be held up...

...or do Pilates...
...or just eat all day.
As long as they can all feel safe and secure, like this happy guy.



  1. They're so damn cute! *sigh*

  2. Awww, poor little pandas. What great pictures though. Thanks for sharing.
