Monday, August 25, 2008

The Ogden Ten

Karla and I went to Ogden, UT this Saturday, August 23, 2008 for Acappellastock, which included a performance by XRP -- former members of my Pella.

Top 10 Memorable Moments:

10) Spying on Sound Check

9) Cracker Barrel x 2: hello, with the best pancakes I've ever had. EVER.

8) We are "Acapellatonianites," according to Hi-Fidelity's Enterprise officers.

7) Tonic Sol-Fa being relentless with audience member Les, the electrician.

6) Barry: "This time, I brought friends."

5) Seeing "Flat Tire," "Hound Dog," "Working in a Coal Mine" and "Just You, Just Me" performed live, and seeing "Zombie Jamboree" performed with Steve, just like in "Do It Acapella," with crutches and a stool.

4) Sean told KP he'd email her, and Barry's mom told KP to call her.

3) Hearing Barry's "Zombie" spiel again.

2) Talking to El and Bear at our hotel after breakfast about Brownstones, current gigs, and solar panels, which made me late to pick up KP.

1) El sang "Don't Do It" to me, just like old times! Then he winked at me while I was in the MnG line. Aw, I've missed him.

Thanks, Karla, for a great time. May we have CB pancakes together on another trip soon!

1 comment:

  1. you are most welcome. I must remember to check for CB locations
