Friday, May 13, 2011

It's Hammer Time

I've been looking forward to seeing "Thor" ever since I saw the hammer at the end of the credits for "Iron Man 2".  I can't believe that I waited a whole week to see it once it was released, but today was the day.  Yay!

  • God of Hummina.  My goodness, Chris Hemsworth, what a hunk!
  • Great casting of Thor and Loki as kids.  They really did look like younger versions of the adult actors.
  • Heh. "Home of the Vikings".
  • There is a part of me that can't separate Natalie Portman from the Star Wars movies, so when she was crying, I really thought she was going to say "Anakin".
  • Some shots of Tom Hiddleston reminded me of someone I know, right down to the mischievous part.  Not the whole personality, because then I'd be freaking out right about now.
  • So did Nick Fury know that Odin started the whole cool eye patch dude thing?  Because Odin's been around a lot longer than Nick Fury.
  • I totally love Agent Coulson.  I especially loved the shot of him in the pouring rain, waiting to see if Thor could pick up the hammer.
  • BTW, the hammer thing reminded me of the story of King Arthur.
  • Loved the little allusions to Stark and his weapons.
  • Holy crap, that Destroyer did some damage!  I didn't even see it in 3-D.
  • That was an awesome vision, the realm of Asgard.
  • The Frost Giant, Laufey, reminded me of Freddy Krueger.
  • Nice teaser at the end!  "Well, I guess that's worth a look."
I really enjoyed this movie, a great start to Blockbuster Season.

1 comment:

  1. My Star Wars reference in the movie was the creature they fought in the Frost Giants world - it sure looked like a Rancor, albeit one that has a long tail.
