Sunday, September 27, 2009

Buddha Boy Turns 4

Four years ago today, my brother woke me in the middle of the night to say, "Hello, Tita Sherry."  I didn't even know that V was in labor!  She was tired, but still willing to talk to me about her experience.  About a month later, I met my nephew in person for the first time.  Here's a picture of him in my arms, while I'm sitting on the couch and eating a cookie.  It's like he knew that I would be the provider of cookies for the rest of his life. :)

Now he jumps around and throws balloons that hit my face.  My, how our relationship has grown. :)

Happy 4th Birthday, Brady! 


  1. Aww, what a cute picture.

    And if you have to be awakened in the middle of the night, that's one of the best reasons for it.

    Happy Birthday, Brady!
