Monday, December 3, 2007

Rockapella in Reno 12/02/07 Highlights

Wow--too much to tell...but here are some of the tidbits.

1) Jeff Thacher kissed Karla on the cheek....and she proceeded to tell complete strangers, including waiter Blake, who played along with us.

2) Scott, to Sherry at ONT: "Thanks, Honey, for saving my place in line!"
Sherry: Speechless.
Wendy, upon hearing the story: "I want an Airport Husband!"

3) George was still holding my bag of cookies when I saw him at the airport, so that he could eat them when he's feeling better.

4) Scott telling me that his son is probably going to join a drum corps.

5) Realizing that the boys were staying in our beautiful hotel...and seeing Kevin in the lobby.

6) Scott not being able to find his pitch for the re-entrance into "WitWiCS?".

7) John likes my earrings.

8) Jeff being on FIRE for his solo...and Sherry can't stop staring at his pants.

9) Kevin asking Paulo if he wanted anything other than an iPod Touch, like something from a musical group, and Paulo responding. "NO." Twice.

10) Scott inviting me to his house.

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