Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 Top Ten

A recap for y'all, of my favorite moments this hippo-filled year.

10. Mr. Bananaman starting a new tradition.

9. Catal Wine Dinners turning me into a wine snob and making me get rid of all of my Chardonnay to replace it with Sauvignon Blanc.

8. Elvis eating at Chili's during the blackout.

7. "Toss, Toss, No Hands!"

6. V's Bacon Lettuce and Tomato Tops Sandwich after seeing "Ratatouille" at the El Capitan.

5. The formation of Caught Knapping

4. Talking to Seth Green about MILK and the glory of their chocolate croissant bread pudding.

3. DCI Finals at the Rose Bowl

2. Rockapella liking my shoes

...and the number one reason that this year made me happy:

1. Bro, V, Brady and Auntie Milda moving back to California. I love my family.

Thanks, everyone, for good times, and may next year be filled with as many and more wonderful memories!

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