Saturday, August 13, 2022

Somewhere New at Semifinals

DCI Semifinals
Friday, August 12, 2022
Lucas Oil Stadium 
Indianapolis, IN

Remembering that in previous years, we couldn't get into the breakfast place we wanted to try, this time we ordered from Cafe Patachou, as well as the Starbucks in that same building, and Bro and I walked to pick up our food and drinks to enjoy with V in our hotel room.  V had a work meeting on Zoom, and I was blogging, so we moved stuff around in order to make a little office for the two of us.

Panoramic view from our home office
Lucas Oil on the right side

V needed to cut her portion of the meeting short so that we could walk to Lucas Oil and do everything we needed before relaxing in our seats.  V bought a pair of EARasers and felt bad that she had to rush the young salesgirl because she wanted to get to her seat before the show started.  I looked at stuff, and decided not to get a Paradise Lost shirt because I wasn't that excited about the design with the snake.  I might get a Troopers shirt, though.  I was also told to look at the top hat being offered at the Academy booth, which is pretty cool.  They ship to you after Finals.  Bro ended up ordering one, as well as a uniform.  We should all go trick-or-treating at his house on Hallowe'en so we can see him in his costume!  

Our seats were in Section 141, Row 1, Seats 1-3, on the left 45-yard line.  The only problem with seat 1 is that there was a clear plastic thing at the top of the rail, which obstructed my camera angle.  So Bro and I switched seats and I was in seat 3.   I want the cones with the DCI 50 shield on them. OK, I just want one.  No, two: one big and one small.

The small one

View from Seat 1

The Star-Spangled Banner was performed on trumpet by Frank Leahy, I think.  That's probably wrong.  Sorry, guy.  It was a beautiful rendition, though.  

I posted photos on Instagram of each corps, @pellapusher.  Some of those photos are duplicated here.  

This sign was posted in the area where the corps staff stand.  I guess they're supposed to guess which fan they should respect, and therefore, they should assume that they should respect all fans?  I think that DCI just doesn't want the staff to be inconsiderate and block views or be obnoxious or whatever.  I also think they need a proofreader.

Posted in the 3 different places designated
 for corps staff during performances

EARasers in place, we were ready for some up close drum corps!

*Score placement qualifies for Finals (top 12)

Such a fun show.  I loved seeing the staff dance along in the stands.  I danced in my seat.  V is crying because they're crying.  One gal was injured and had to leave the field.  I love hearing my song!

We can hear the brass down better here without the amplification, and it sounds really good!  Oh, there are the DJ scratch sounds!  I liked seeing the cymbal players being playful with their record-like instruments.  The drum major dropped the mic at the end.  I didn't know he had a mic.

SPARTANS  76.600
I'm not really crazy about the music, but I love the energy.  Great duet!

Duet performers

Great opening solos!  I like that drum break.  It's still weird to me that they play behind the poles with the microphones on them.

GOLD  79.025
Great job on the drum feature.  Good solos!

Go, Bella!!!  The horns sounded really good, and the guard did really well, too.  "Make them believe, PC!"  That's what the staff and parents yelled.  

I miss this already

GENESIS  78.813
I heard that bit of "We're off to see the wizard" in the opening and closing segments.  They toss their rifles, strip off their big skirts, and then catch the rifle!  Impressive.  I like this show.

I like the details on the frame

How is Steve Rondinaro walking in front of us when he's also talking on the big screen?

They're just so good.  There's that bass drum cadence I love!

Dan Potter interviewed SCVC Drum Major Lauren Bristol; she talked about the show and how they applied the concept of "Somewhere New" to today.  Great job, Lauren!

MUSIC CITY  81.763
They do play their music well!  Nice solos and duets.

Not much to see here

They had a lot of fun during warm-up time, like one of the horn players creeped up to the pit and hit a drum with his finger and ran away.  Why did Willy lick that golden cane? Because it's made of candy?  Just craziness.  LOVE IT.
I think this chess piece is there 
because of "Anthem".

I like how the design of their uniform at the shoulder is reminiscent of the epaulet from the old uniforms.  Great small ensemble work in the horns.

One of the staff members was holding a baby wearing a onesie with the BK uniform design.  Great music.  I love the colors in this show, like the pretty purple / blue patterned rifles.

CROSSMEN  86.925
I love the effect when they toss up the sabres, then the rings.  So pretty.  Great work, pit!!!  Nice work in the horn quartet.

I don't care how blurry everything else is;
I love the expression on his face.

TROOPERS  87.425*
Well, that was incredible.  I freaking love this show.  It looks like the flame flag is actually a woman's profile with long wavy hair.  We all went nuts, and so did the drum major when the oil was discovered.  He took black stuff from the top of his hat and spread it on his face like the oil had fallen on him.  It was really cool.  DRUMS!!!!!  So, sooo good.  The SCV staff near us went nuts, too.

I don't know why they're blindfolded

The Oil Goddess plays the cello

I want my hair to do that, except not with fire.



Dan Potter interviewed the cello player, and she said that she does have stuff to keep her from falling down, but she's not scared up there.

COLTS  87.450*
So that wasn't tie-dye, now that I see it up closer.  Contra solo!  Yes!  It started off a great final segment.  Really good horn ensembles up on the props.

MANDARINS  89.537*
Yeah, Guard, GO!  Horns did really well, too.  I heard Charles a lot better, but I would hope so from this close.

I got in a long line for a chicken strips basket, but I did make it in time for the next corps, because I didn't wait to watch Calgary Stampede Showband and their red boots.

When they took the field, Brandt wasn't back from his break yet, so somebody else announced them.  He fixed that once he took his seat.  It's just not right if Brandt doesn't say it.  The horn part sounds like one of the themes from E.T.  V and I turned to each other simultaneously to say that to each other and almost kissed.  Then we couldn't stop giggling.  I like the drum major's long hair.

I love that the Phregiment chevron is part
of the detail on the shoulder.

CAVALIERS  91.862*
There is a dog with the staff members.  Cute.  That color guard!!!  I couldn't see the pendulum because we're too close.  I like the way they play that fugue.  Bro doesn't know why the staff all left before the actual ending.  They left at the fake ending.  Maybe they don't know.  People should tell them about it.

BLUE STARS  92.25*
They do play the heck out of that music.  Nice solos/duets.  That big table with the steins makes me want to sing "Empty stools at empty tables".  Color guard did a great job, too.

There was a drumline battle between two of the SoundSport teams, but no judging today.  One of them did the piece from the movie "Drumline", complete with a kid on another kid's shoulders, flaring their cymbals.


CADETS  93.287*
I like when they hold their jackets over their shoulder.  Great guard.  The one skip that they do below reminds me of 2003 Phregiment.

Air Time

SCV  95.15*
Ooh, she's levitating at the end!  Cool!  Great music, SCV.

CROWN  95.813*
Instead of Rick-rolling us today, the warm-up song was Bon Jovi's "Living On A Prayer".  I wonder what it will be for Finals.  I would totally wear those purple pants.  Color guard was so good!  I danced along, but Bro and V did not.  The horn players have fabric draped from their arms as they play and somehow do not get tangled.

I missed the Ultimate Drill Book presentation, but I did hear the winner say that she wanted to march SCV next year.  Yay!

BLOO  96.975*
I like the show better up close, but if "words are also actions", please just stop. Ugh.  In the first piece, there are horns that are repeating a riff, but I don't know who is playing that.  It's cool, though.  Oh, they're sleeping at the beginning because he wakes up from a dream.  I might have figured that out on my own, though.

BO CRU  96.975*
Drummers do trust falls, too!  There was too much stuff in front of me to see the whole tango segment.  The color guard was oustanding.  Awesome show.  (Yes, you're seeing the scores as a tie now between Bloo and Bo Cru.)

Hey!  That's the Crusaders logo on his pants!

BD  98.3*
Bro wanted to watch me do the BD dance break, but I was too shy and laughing too much.  The sparkle was too much for my cell phone camera to handle, and it made everything blurry.  

SCVC got to play one more time, this time as an encore for being Open Class Champions.  It was neat to have both SCV & SCVC taff on hand.  Bro said that it was like being at SCV Family Day.  I got all weepy.  I'm so proud to see what they've accomplished in those few months!  As they left the stadium, the Age-outs gave them a standing ovation, and not just the ones from SCV.  It ws so touching.  

The drummers were wearing their medals, and the Age-outs were wearing their red feathers.  They had their SCVC shields on, too.  I didn't notice until earlier this afternoon that their uniforms have a big V on them.  DUH.

Congratulations again, Vanguard Cadets!

Dan Potter announced the scholarship winners, Volunteers of the Year, and Hall of Fame Inductees.  There was also a memorial segment, but they spelled it "In Memorium", and V said that made it even sadder.

Scholarship Winners

DCI Hall of Fame members

Bloo is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, just like DCI.

The traditional color guard brought the flags onto the field.  One had streamers at the top that had a name for those that passed away.  Another one was a special one to honor someone who passed away while helping plan for this performance.

Songs they performed included "Creep" (my favorite) from their "UnmasQued" show, "The Boxer" from their "The Knockout" show.  They also played "Autumn Leaves", which is their corps song.  Then they had a bunch of elements from their popular prior shows.

  • The slide!  (Down Side Up)
  • Look at those old guys just wail on those horns!
  • Look at all of those contras!
  • The singer lady from Session 44!  OK, I don't know if she was there, but I heard her sing a tiny bit.
  • The TILT glissando!
  • "Hey, Jude" with everyone singing along.
They played their warm up after the crowd calmed down, and played the 3 main songs again.   What a treat!  There was at least one member from every year of the corps.  

Dan Potter told them, "Come on down.  Let's rage out!"

Scores were announced, so we left to get some rest.  What a long day.  Fun, though!

Next up:  Finals

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