Sunday, November 4, 2018

Still Scary After 40 Years

My friends and I decided to see "Halloween".  I wanted to see it in the daytime because I don't like walking out of a scary movie into darkness.  I brought Gloomy Bear to have something to squeeze when I got scared.  I learned this technique from Cindy, whom brought her tauntaun.  Linda brought Frankenweenie to keep within the holiday theme.

Our Protectors

  • Dude, I don't know why people feel the need to antagonize serial killers.  Because they don't have enough reason to just up and kill you?
  • Just because someone is paranoid doesn't mean that nobody is chasing after them.  I mean, did Karen not think that everything actually happened?  I'm glad she got her training, though.
  • Why did he feel the need to drop all of the teeth in front of her in the bathroom?  I mean, were they a gift?  Eeewww.
  • I think that it would be perfectly reasonable in Haddonfield to cancel Hallowe'en if their serial killer was on the loose again.  
  • "No. He was not her brother, that's something that people made up."
  • "Send Dave first!"
  • So doctors just carry scalpels with them everywhere?  Even psychiatrists?  Hmmm...Maybe it's for protection during the therapy sessions.
  • Michael is still alive, you know. They didn't shoot him to death, lop off his head, stake him through the heart, AND burn him.  So he ain't dead.
...and now I'm wondering if I'll be able to sleep soundly tonight.

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