Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Queen We Deserve

Last weekend, I carved some time out of my crazy schedule to see "Snow White and the Huntsman", because I had been eager to see it since I saw the first movie trailer for it.

  • Ravenna's outfits were too awesome for words.  There she goes again, that awesome costume designer Colleen Atwood.  She needs an Oscar nod for these clothes.
  • Oh, it's a Phantom army.  I was not understanding that in the trailers.  But whatever they were supposed to be, the special effects looked awesome.
  • Bella and Thor get along better than Bella and William (yes, I know she's Snow, but I've also seen the "Twilight" films, and she's been that more often than Snow White.  Besides, Snow is Ginnifer Goodwin).  ANYWAY, the "true love's kiss" thing worked better here, because, really, from the Disney film, how can they already be in love for real?  They had only seen each other once before.
  • Seriously, at one point, I whispered to myself, "Give him his hammer!"
  • I didn't know that Ian McShane could act so well that I thought he was an actual dwarf.
  • That stag was incredible-looking.  Of course, at first, I thought it was Bambi. Then I thought that it was Harry Potter's patronus.  Then I thought, "That's ridiculous, Sherry.  It has way too many prongs on its antlers."
  • I liked all of those fairy sounds.
  • Whoa.  Trolls are huge.
  • Finn looked to me like Andy Samberg playing Andy Warhol.  
  • More bows and arrows!  And we still haven't met Merida yet!
  • Oh, THAT'S where I've seen William before!  PotC: On Stranger Tides.
  • How does anyone see their reflection in that mirror?
I really enjoyed the movie.  I like dark stuff, remember?  I also really enjoyed the special effects.  But most of all, I now have even more reason to be jealous of Charlize Theron:  she got to wear those outstanding costumes.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked the "true love's kiss" twist in this film as opposed to what we normally know. Heck, I'd have picked the huntsman over the "prince"!

    As far as Thor's hammer, I giggled that he *did* have one. OK, it was more like a sword or blunt object or something, but in the farther away scenes in the forest, it almost looks like he's carrying a hammer.

    It's been a good year for Snow White movies.
