Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sherry and the Finished Series

This morning, I finally finished J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" book series.  

I can't remember when I actually started reading the series, but I probably would have finished the entire series within 7 straight weeks (or sooner) if I could have taken an extended vacation just to read.   I became interested in the books after seeing the first movie, but never actually sat down to read until a few years later, and swore to myself not to start any new books until I was done with the entire series.

So I'm done now.  The series was very well written, and I understand why Rowling has been praised for getting people to read again thanks to these books.  They were all quite engaging, and I had to tear myself away from reading, because otherwise I'd stay home and get nothing else accomplished.  I really cared for all of the characters, good and bad, and as I read the final pages of the last book, I cried.  Now, I know that y'all that know me well think that I cry at virtually everything slightly emotional, but I don't think I'd ever cried over a story in a book before.  I think it was not only the way the story ended, but also the fact that the story was over.  7 books, thousands of pages, lots of time reading -- just done.  I just couldn't believe it was over.   My reaction kind of surprised me.

I've been lucky that I've been able to read one book after another, and not have to wait between books like the other millions of fans.  I liken it to those people who watch "24" on DVD, and don't have to wait until the next week to see the next episode.  Those spoiled people are probably freaking out like I am because they will now have to wait until what seems like forever until the next season begins. 

So now I have the final movies to look forward to, although I won't get the same feeling from them as I did the written version, as I've learned from other people who have read books before watching the movie versions.  I'll probably still cry, though. ;)

Now I can start reading the other books I've set aside.

At least until December 4.

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