Sunday, July 7, 2024

Happyyyyy to Be Back at Stanford

DCI West
Saturday, July 6, 2024
Stanford Stadium
Palo Alto, CA

Bro drove us up to Northern California on Friday afternoon. Bro had not bought tickets to Clovis show yet, so when he saw how hot it was going to be in Clovis, he decided we would just drive up to Auntie M's house instead.  I felt bad for the Open Class corps because they already have a short season if they don't go to Indianapolis for finals, but at least they could probably do their run throughs at night when the sun wasn't beating down on them, even though it was still hot.  We arrived after 8:00 pm at Auntie M's house.  She had picked up dinner at Rice 'n' Roll for us (Vietnamese food), which was pretty good.  I liked the pork egg rolls the most, although I did enjoy the vermicelli noodles with chicken.  The next morning, Auntie M and I went to the farmer's market in Tracy so she could get her weekly vegetables.  The market was on the same street as the theater where we saw Rockapella!

I refrained from buying the very cute bao, and bought earrings instead.  There was a Bahay Kubo Filipino market on the same street, so I bought some snacks to try.  We then went to Target to get a card for a family friend and then $52.00 later, we left.  Typical Target run.

Once Bro got home from taking care of a family thing, we went to lunch at Ichiban, where we all ordered sushi.  We were seated at a Teppanyaki table, and I saw that the woman across from me had a Dutch Bros cup.  I've been curious about Dutch Bros since they started opening stores in So Cal, so I asked about her drink.  After that lively conversation, I think we'll be going to a Dutch Bros before we leave Northern Cal.  

We rested for a bit before making our way to Palo Alto.  There was a lot of traffic on the way for some reason, but we made it in plenty of time so that I could go to the 1st level and explore the concessions stands.  I saw a sign for fish and chips, and tried to order some, but they didn't have any.  So I ordered chicken strips, which came with waffle fries.  They didn't have any little cups to hold the condiments that you pump from the big containers, so that was a bit annoying.  I was also disappointed that they don't have boba drinks available there anymore like they did 2 years ago when they ran out before I got there.  

Our seats were located in Section 212, Row DD, seats 21-22.  We love these seats because they are at the top of the section, on the right 40-50 yard lines, and they are at the end of the row, so we can get in and out easily. Also, we get a shelf in back of us.  So nobody take those from us, OK?  Because you know Sherry needs her desk.  :)  We were seated behind a couple of ladies who were attending their first drum corps show. The talkative one said that her mother and aunt used to attend them and she never got to go until now.

A familiar voice started to welcome us all to the show.  Hi, Brandt Crocker!!!  The Star-Spangled Banner was performed by a brass ensemble from Blue Devils B.  Thanks for playing!  

I was worried this guy's arms were
going to drive me crazy all day.

Nice hemiolas in "Eleanor Rigby".  The ladies in front of us danced in their chairs during "Spain".  

Brandt said that anyone can join a drum corps and informed us of a QR code for more information.  Hey, we can join, even without any experience!  But dude, it's too hot out there, even though it was cooler in Palo Alto, especially where we were, in the shade.

Repertoire:  "Do You Remember: The Music of Earth, Wind and Fire"

Ooh, disco!  I sang some "September" with the vocalist on the field, because he asked us to.  The guy next to me sang along, too.  Also, the singer combed his hair as part of the show.  OK, not a big part of the show, but maybe he should have combed it beforehand if we weren't supposed to see it.

I went to the restroom and saw that on the same floor, they had Grab 'n' Go concessions, which had a better variety of food than the regular concessions on the first floor. But I didn'thave my wallet.  I cannot win.  So when I got back to my seat, I asked Bro to get me some CrackerJack, which he did, for which he earned the prize insdie the package.  It was a sticker of a baseball, which is part of some game you can play if you get onine, I guess. 

Repertoire: "Crossing the Threshold" -- Symphony No. 9, From the New World by A. Dvorak; Symphony No. 7 in E major by A. Bruckner

Lady in front of me:  "I didn't know there would be props."
Very nice opening of New World Symphony.  I like when the drums go through the threshold for their feature.  They played while at a standstill for the reprise of the opening song, so I guess they're still working on the closer drill.  Great outing for their first show of the season!

The ramps are painted now.  Perhaps they were bored yesterday because they cut out the Open Class corps from the Clovis show due to the extreme heat advisory.  Bro said they were "NOT SATISFIED."  I like the way Brandt says "Happyyyyy!"  APPARENTLY, I don't remember the drum feature.  Because it was just added, Sher.  They march 18 snare drums, some of which they may have taken off the snares for the battery feature, because they sounded different.  Nice brass ensemble solo during the ballad.  

BC:  "From Byoona Park, California..."  Oh, Brandt, I've missed you and your mispronunciations.  I like that cello solo.  The violin was off today.  Maybe she's been off every day.  Bro does not like it.  They really need bigger apples, because from our vantage point, they looked like oranges.  Not strawberries.  So maybe just whatever fruit you want to imagine.  Except bananas.  Because that's crazy.  Ah, there's the Frank Sinatra!  What does it say on those graffiti flags?  Bro says it looks like "New Dork".  I like when the cymbal players are on the steps.  That last piece needs work, though.

BC:  "From Concord, California, Blue Devils B!"  
BC:  "Let's try that again."
Really, Brandt, in front of the home crowd?  
Bro and I are still trying to figure out this show, as well as its relation to last year's show.  The widow is kind of hiding in the pit area until the coffin is shown, and then the drum major comforts her.  So is this a ghost, and he's comforting her?   It seems like the show is done, but Bro needs a part 3 so that he can understand.  Their props are more decorated now.  Maybe they did some painting, too.  Nice drum circle surrounding the couple at the end.

For real this time.  They're Blue Pink B!  The non-talkative lady made big eyes at the other lady when the Gregorian chant started, which made Bro and me giggle.  Beautiful opening, and it just kept going from there!  Outstanding music!  They still need to work on those lines, but I love it!  They now put numbers on the columns in Square One Sequence.

New drum heads remind me of

Oh, that formation is a ship, with the B flag as the mast!  Heart beats.  That's what bass drums are for.

Come Sail Away


Whooo!!!  The show is finished!  Sher:  "KEEP GOING!"  There are differently colored flags instead of the big light blue ones.  They're quite pretty.  There are also some yellow accents now, on the color guard lead, and the yellow flags.  Those drums, OMG.

Lady in front of us, to Sher:  "That last group was pretty fab."
SS, nodding:  "They're my favorite."

Repertoire:  "When Opportunity Knocks" -- Can You Hear the Music? (from "Oppenheimer") by L. Goransson; Golden Hour by J. Lawson; Predator by J. Psathas; Can You See Me? by F. E. Smith; Someone Like You (from "Jekyll & Hyde") by F. Wildhorn, L. Bricusse & S. Cuden; You Can't Stop Me by F, E. Smith; Sailing Into Dawn (from "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power") by B. McCreary

Guy in our row:  "If they wouldn't have any electronics to set up, they could just play now."

That's a lot of doors.  I think the door company made a killing this year with DCI shows.  I like when the 8 doors are sde-by-side and a bunch of corps members come through at once.  I wondered what the writing was on their pants.  It was just a design, and not "M.C. Escher" as I initially thought.  Is that eye flag supposed to be for the peephole?

Now the color guard is wearing the same thing as the drum majors, and I'm confused.  They do change into the all-white uniform later.  Good job, PC!  Much cleaner musically today.

Fun with Dresses
Fun With Dresses

PC Logo

Go, Mandarins, GO!!!  I love that the color guard still does their traditional cheering as they enter the field.  The ghosts look less like Pac-Man ghosts than before. Bro can't wait for the new ending to the show that he supposedly has in his head only.  He had to get my attention to get the shot of the Fleur de Lis, which at one point I thought was a spider.  It looks like they do an Evil Eye formation, too.  I also didn't notice the pink fans before.

Fleur de Lis / Spider

Evil Eye

Ooh, they painted their ramps, too.  Their drums, my goodness!  And the horns!  Great job, Guard, especially while controlling the hoops.  

The ladies in front of us enjoyed the show, and they thought the Mandarins would win.  Although they enjoyed it, they probably won't come again, but at least they had a good experience.  


Spirif of Sunnyvale earned a silver medal.

6) 52.30 Blue Devils C
5) 55.95 Vessel
4) 57.150 Golden Empire (I do not know why the extra digit)
3) 58.40 Impulse
2) 63.25 Gold
1) 66.00 Blue Devils B

5) 67.25 Academy
4) 70.70 Pacific Crest
3) 76.10 Santa Clara Vanguard
2) 76.60 Mandarins
1) 81.30 Blue Devils

Our drive back to Auntie M's didn't take as long as the drive there, which is good considering how tired we both were.  Another good day of drum corps!

Next Up:  Capital Classic

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