Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Back In The Stands

Western Corps Connection
Sunday, June 27, 2022
San Bernardino Valley College Stadium
San Bernardino, CA 

Bro and Dodie met at my house, and it was my turn to drive to drum corps because Bro had driven quite a bit in the last couple of days and he was tired.  It was a hot day, and I was not looking forward to sitting in the stands, even though I had chosen seats that would be in the shade of the press box, in Section 3, Row S, seats 15-18, on the left 40-yard line.

We parked on the gravel lot again.  I wonder if they'll ever pave that thing.  We checked out the marketplace, and Academy had a bunch of stuff in their clearance bins, and I got some purple Mellophone shorts.  Because they had shorts! Bro got a hoodie and was really happy about it because it was the style of material he was looking for, and it only cost $5.00.  Dodie got her dragon shirt from the Mandarins booth, which she had forgotten to get the night before at the Rose Bowl.  

We didn't want to go to the stands just yet, but we did get our tickets scanned for our wristbands so that it would be easier to get into the stadium later on.   I saw the Impulse drum major and told him that I love his hair, and I keep taking pictures of it.  He happily said thanks and that he hopes to see them one day.  Dodie and I whined about walking uphill in the heat, even though it wasn't that steep.  Once we got to the area where the corps were warming up, we found a shady spot by a tree and hoped that we wouldn't get kicked out by one of the corps wanting to practice there.  We watched Gold practice their visual block.  Dodie went back to the marketplace to get something for her friend while Bro and I waited for Pacific Crest to start warming up.  I didn't see much, but I did get this cool pic of some of them waiting for the others.  APPARENTLY, they didni't trust anyone with leaving their sticks with their drums, and walked around with them around the building.

Drumming on rails

I did get to see a little bit of PC's warmup, but needed to leave to watch the Open Class corps.  Bro stayed as had planned.  It was nice to sit there in the shade, though.  When I got into the stadium, the food line was long and slow as usual there.  I'm glad I wasn't hungry.  I got into the stands after the Freelancers did their thing, and joined Rudy and Dodie.  I was grateful that the shade had already hit our area of the stands.

Very nice solos for "Dear Theodosia".  I also like the soloist's performance during the Jetsons theme.  Much better intonation today.

There he is!

This is when I realized that I had no SD card in my camera and needed to use my phone for pictures.  Many of them are kinda hazy because I think I had a bit of sunscreen on the lens.

I love that duet!  I couldn't remember what this show was about, so I couldn't follow the plot.  

I was not quick enough to catch a pic of the guy with the trumpet between his legs while he was moving the drum major stand.  The position of the bell of the trumpet looked like he had a huge metal, um....end...hole.  I hear that high note on the last chord!  NIce!  Rudy really likes this show, except for the very last cadence that didn't resolve.  I advisd him that it was not done yet, and he was disgusted.  

Gold in the Golden Sunlight

On my way to the restroom and back, I got complimented 3 times on my Ouroboros shirt, with people telling me it was a great show.  One of the times, I responded with, "Should have won!" but the lady did not respond to me.  Because she knows it's true.  Bro has joined us!

I love the way the show starts with the horns all around the Bluecoats chair.  I like seeing the flap of their uniforms flying in the breeze.  Their music is getting better and better.  Very nice muted trumpet solo on the ladder.  I finally paid attention to the Depeche Mode piece.  Go, rifles! Nice behind-the-back catch with the long pole.  

PC, SCV, and Cavaliers Props

Very powerful brass section!  With the GE of their show, they could definitely make it to  Finals again, as long as they clean up the notes to sound more in unison.  I didn't see that color guard girl was upside down before because I was focused on the contra ensemble solo.

Contras and Oompa Loompa

Good rifle work! I have a crush on the singer now.  Trombones don't seem to blend as much with the other horns tonight.  Cool that they tone it down so I could hear my guy singing.

Google made this animation for me!

Well, now I can't un-hear the Nirvana song.  That's not a bad thing.  Ah, that brass!  LOVE.  IT.  Trumpeters and their high notes!  One guy did a fist pump at the end, he was so excited that he reached that note.

A couple of girls finally got into the seats in front of us.  Congratulations, girls.  You made it to see the last corps of the show.  Bro said they were probably watching warmups this whole time.  So why did they even buy tickets?  Bro is thinking he should just watch warmups next year and not buy a ticket.

So very sparkly!  So very loud.  Do they play anything softly?  I need to check.
Go, Cooper!  A woman in back of me heard me not really yelling that, and asked if I said Cooper's name.  She knows him, too!  She also knows my friend Jen, who told me that I should yell for Cooper, because they're both band moms at Capo.


Open Class:
3) 38.5 -- Impulse
2) 47.05 -- Golden Empire
1) 56.35 -- Gold

World Class:
5) 58.25 -- Pacific Crest
4) 63.65 -- Academy
3) 67.65 -- Mandarins
2) 71.85 -- Santa Clara Vanguard
1) 73.50 -- Blue Devils

We said good night to Rudy, made our way home.  

It was a fun drum corps weekend, and it sounds like Rudy and Dodie will be watching Quarterfinals from the movie theater this year.  :)

Next up for drum corps:  Mid Cal Champions Showcase

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