Saturday, August 24, 2024

Pick Up That Drum Trophy and Go!

 DCI Finals
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Lucas Oil Stadium
Indianapolis, IN

When we woke up in the morning, we were all pretty hungry, and decided to go to a place that was closed the last time we were walking around: Lincoln Square Pancake House.  We had to wait about 20 minutes, which wasn't too bad considering it's Finals Week.  We didn't get tickets to the DCI All Age competition, so maybe a lot of people were at the stadium for that instead of getting breakfast.  I ordered a veggie scramble with french toast as my toast option.  French Toast is my favorite breakfast food, but I was so full from my yummy veggie scramble and hash browns, that I couldn't finish all of the french toast.  I also asked for a container for my fruit so that I could put in the refrigerator to have after the show.  The french toast was topped with a whipped butter that had cinnamon in it, and it was very good.  

Thanks, Abe!

Bro called for an Uber so that we could go to an antique mall.  It was in an old warehouse, and there were a lot of different booths from various sellers.  I usually look for interesting jewelry, but didn't really find anything to my liking, but it was fun to look at stuff.  It was also good that we weren't close to home, so I didn't really consider getting any of the cool furniture that I saw.  I guess I could have had it shipped, but nah.  V was able to find some of the drinking glasses she likes to collect, so our trip was successful.

I had a Happy Days board game when I was 
a kid.  I wonder if it's still somewhere in the garage.
Yes, I was aware of "cool points" prior to that 
episode of Friends!

We still had some time to relax in the hotel and watch Olympics prior to walking to the stadium, so that was nice.  We have also learned to cut through one of the parking lots instead of taking the sidewalk, to save a little bit of time.  On our way to the stadium entrance, we saw this trailer.  I thought that maybe it was a DCI Soundsport group, but now when I see the top, it looks like it is a food truck.  That I didn't know about.  In Indianapolis.  Apparently, they are called Pinoy Garden Cafe.  There are 3 different Filipino food trucks in the Indianapolis area!  Taste of Manila, Lumpia Creations, and Pinoy Garden Cafe (actually based in Bloomington). Maybe I'll see one of them next time.  There's also some dessert place called Ube Love.  I need to stop going down this rabbit hole.

  We had decided to skip the IN-pact performance, which had started while we ate at the tables on the floor where our seats were located.  Today, concessions on my side did not have any carbonated drinks, and they didn't have something else on the side where Bro and V got their pizza.  I got chicken strips again, but wasn't hungry enough to finish everything, so I put my leftovers in one of their pizza boxes so that it was covered instead of out in the open.  

Our seats were in section 438, row 9, seats 3-5, at around the right 30-yard line.  We were in the top row, so I stood for some of the performances so that I could stretch and take pics.  

I don't remember hearing the title of their repertoire, but it included "Unchained Melody" and a few other pieces that I know but don't know their titles.  Of course, they also included "Stars and Stripes Forever" at the end, which always makes me happy.

They also performed the national anthem.  We've heard it played many times in the last week, due to USA's success at the Olympics in Paris, but I think this is the best way to hear it, and my heart always swells with patriotic pride when I see this.  I also love when they play the Marine Corps Hymn as they exit, and didn't take video this time because I wanted to clap along with the rest of the spectators.

V got another smoothie today.  She loves her smoothies!

I think Bro wants some, V.

Brandt Crocker asked us to welcome to the field the next corps after seven years of absence on Finals night.

Welcome back to Finals, Madison!

Maybe someday we'll see a fleur-de-lis
formation again.

Three hats fell off, V said.  I decided I don't really like their sets.  They're underwhelming, like if they were actual mirrors, that would be cool.  Aw, remember BD's mirrors, and how everyone thought they were crazy with all of those big props?  Good times.

I love that show too much.  Oh, a trident formation!  Amazing what you can see from different vantage points.

Love the variation of the Troopers flag

Devils Tail Formation

  And because I can't get enough of this show, that controversial ending:

Notice the little sunburst in the flags below the ramps in the photo, when the devil is vanguished? Someone would tell me about this the next day, and I'm glad that I captured it in my video.

They don't do much with that seed ball but pat on it.  Very long, very high note - whoa!  when they layon their sides with the white of their uniforms showing, are they supposed to be worms?  I didn't notice the lawnmower sound before.  

Raise that seed ball high!

Such a pretty show, with a beautiful brass line.  I love the shimmer of the final uniforms.

Blue Stars making me happy
with their star formation!

I love that high notes from the trumpet player during the transition.  What a great show, Mandarins!

At least SOMEONE did a fleur-de-lis formation.

Jazz Funeral

V and I booked it to the restroom, and while I was in there, I heard that they had started a tribute to announcer Brandt Crocker.  I didn't cry until I got to my stadium seat, especially when Dan Potter announced that Brandt was the recipient of the DCI Legacy Impact Award.  I loved when they showed a montage of a bunch of different people doing impersonations of him introducing corps like Phaaannnntooooom   RRRRRRegiment and THE SANTA CLARA VANGUAAAARRRD!

Brandt's position for 52 years of DCI

Congratulations, Brandt!

VAAAANNNNGUAAAAAARRRRRRD!  Yup, got it in there this time.  :)  Thank you for a fantastic season, Vanguard.  It was like you were never gone, but we all know how much we missed you last year.  May your future be fruitful and bright for many years to come.  Now let's pick up our stuff and go start working on getting funding for next year's show.

Love this shot of the drum major

My current FB cover

That V means the world to SCV fans this year.

So does the viper.

That brass line is just gorgeous.  So difficult, but so well played!

Crown Formation

Love, love, love this show.  The brass, the crazy props, the everything.

Z pull tribute to the Cadets

Wait.  Why is there a Trooper up here in the stands?

They got so good on those hoops!  Beautiful trumpet solo.  I love their uniform colors as opposed to others that are too drab for my taste.  Can I have my cape now?

Earlier this week, V noticed that there were some poofy people in the stands near the end zone.  Tonight, they had seats very visible to everyone, and even made it onto the big board.  They were hilarious and even did some glitchy moves during the show.  A few days later, I found out that these were fans and alumni of Bo Cru, and they do something every year to show their fandom.  I love it!  

There is so much stuff going on in this show, and it's all great!

I've heard that song before, from the Mandarins: the one with the high pitch notes that I wrote about tonight.  I like Mandarins' version better.  We always get faked out by that almost ending, before the final blast.  Wow, that brass made me want my ear plugs up here.  So loud, maybe because the amps are cranked up.  But it hurts so good.  :)  Their brick flags remind Bro of Shakey's, V of Mario Brothers, and me of the Three Little Pigs.  I'll blow your house down!

Love those mylar flags!

The leaders from the medalist corps of the Open Class competition were recognized.
Congratulations, Gold-winning Spartans, Silver-winning Blue Devils B, and Bronze-winning Gold!  Yes, I realize that last one is confusing.

DCI All Age medalists were also recognized.  Congratulations, Gold-winning Reading Buccaneers, Silver-winning Cincinnati Tradition, and Bronze-winning Governaires!

The Commandant's Own played as the corps entered the field for retreat.  On the right side, the Cavaliers were told to march down the wrong yard line, and it subsequently messed up everything on that side while they fixed it.  

Left side 

Right side

So good to see you here, SCV!
Also, nice star, Blue Stars!

Full Field

Cavaliers wearing their parade uniforms
instead of their show uniforms

The biggest difference about this year is that no instruments were brought on to the field: no drums, no horns, and no big props.  The devil had his trident, because nobody's going to say no to him over there, I guess.

And now, the scores as caption awards in the order in which they were announced.

12) 87.05 -- Madison Scouts

Jim Jones Leadership Award:  Wes Booker of the Boston Crusaders

11) 87.50 -- Cavaliers

10) 88.95 -- Troopers

George Zingali  Best Color Guard Award:  Boston Crusaders

9) 89.775 -- Colts

John Brazale Best Visual Awarad:  Bluecoats

8) 91.60 --Blue Stars

Jim Ott Best Brass Award:  Bluecoats

7) 92.15 -- Mandarins

6) 93.925 -- Santa Clara Vanguard

Fred Sanford Best Percussion Award: SANTA CLARA VANGUARD!!!

The crowd went absolutely bananas.  I may have been a bit loud myself.  If there was ever a question if Vanguard could come back at their same high level, there wasn't a question anymore.  Bro and I had been discussing their chances from looking at the first two nights' drum scores.  (The award is the highest average from Prelims, Semis, and Finals night).  SCV would need to win by at least 0.15, because they won Prelims, and did not win Semis, but they did it!  Phew.  They absolutely threw down tonight.

SCV Leaders with their drum trophy

5) 95.025 -- Carolina Crown

4) 95.225 -- Phantom Regiment

Donald Angelica Best General Effect Award:  Bluecoats

3) 97.075 -- Blue Devils

2) 97.413 -- Boston Crusaders

1) 98.75 -- Bluecoats

The corps were excused to congratulate each other, which took quite a while.  Even though they didn't have drums to pound on for 20 minutes or horns to toot for that long, it still took a while and a lot of announcements before they left the field.  But my favorite part was seeing the SCV leaders bring the drum trophy to their percussion section.  They went cray cray.

They made a V out of their quiver things!
Love the shield, too.

Then everyone finally left the field so that the Bluecoats could be told, "The field is yours!"

Damn.  It was really loud.  Definitely the amps.

Bluecoats with the Founders Trophy

Go Pros everywhere

They finally let us go through the exits that were closest to our seats, probably because they've had enough of us, and they needed to get ready for the next day's pre-season Colts game.

The next day, I said bye early in the morning to Bro and V, and watched the Olympics as I was getting ready.  The folks on the news said that the roof of Lucas Oil was open for the game, but I didn't see that.  I left Indianapolis via Lyft a few hours later, and the driver's wife called to talk about what meat was in the freezer so she could defrost it for dinner.  He told me that you can't see that the roof is open unless you're inside the stadium, or if you see it on TV.  I arrived at the airport with plenty of time to check in my bag, eat breakfast, and relax a little bit before my flight.  Plus I was fancy again and sat in the 2nd row of the plane.  The first leg of my journey was from IND to DEN.  A lady with the same Troopers shirt I had just bought asked to sit next to me.  Her name was Patty, and I told her that I had the same shirt.  Patty was in the Troopers color guard in the late 1970s.  She was part of the Troopers Legacy Corps, which was actually the Troopers Alumni Corps until they invited others to join.  She met her current husband at an alumni gathering and once they started dating, it took then 4 months before they got married.  Knute is in the Troopers Hall of Fame.  I asked her about the most recent Troopers shows, wanting to know what makes them a trilogy.  So she did her best to tell me her interpretation.

2022: "Voracious" -- Casper, Wyoming is also known as "Oil City".  When the boom happened, folks became crazy with greed.  The cellist in the show signifies the spirit of everyone getting excited and greed taking over their hearts.  Remember that drum major with the oil on his face?

2023:  "To Lasso The Sun" -- Everyone was so convined that they could have everything they wanted with their oil money, they thought that they could reach the sun.  She said something about the guy with the harmonica, but I can't remember what he signifies.

2024:  "Dance With The Devil" -- Greed has overcome us, and we are succumbing to Satan's ways.  Thus the devil's tail formation, the three 6s, pentagrams, and other imagery.  Only our Trooper can save us, sending the devil back to hell, and all is right with the world.  Things Patty mentioned that I didn't see because I was too focused on the devil/Trooper battle:  the battery forming the Troopers' "11", and the traditional Trooper Sunburst formation signifying redemption.  I asked if the show starts with all of them in hell, and she said that's left to interpretation, but she thinks so.  

Patty told me her opinions about some of the other shows:  she did not enjoy Spirit's "Creatures" as much as I did.  She liked BD-B's show, especially with the lavender color they wore.  I tried to explain the Fibonacci sequence to her, but as I don't understand it that well myself, I failed.  She was happy to see SCV back, and I told her what little I know of what happened last year.  She said that early in the season, Bloo did not have the mylar flags.  When they received them, they were kind of awkward about them, but we agreed that those were our favorite part of the show.  She said that BD's spring training is at a place near them, where there is a high elevation, which trains their lungs and builds their stamina.  Ohhhhh.  That makes a LOT of sense.  She said that she's in a lot of photos of the legacy corps, so I brought up my photos from that year, just now, and I found her!  I said that I hoped to see her next year at Finals, and we took selfies so that we could look for each other's faces.  

Patty is in the back, first one on the left.

As you might imagine, I got no sleep on that leg because Patty is a talker.  But I didn't mind one bit. I asked if I could meet husband Knute since he was also on the plane but they got separated.  So I met him and said my goodbyes. My layover in Denver was for a couple of hours and got a sandwich to eat in the little seating area above all of the ruckus, near the AA lounge.  My flight to ONT was uneventful and quiet.  I was glad to be home, but I still look forward to whatever the drum corps have in their minds for next year, besides the Phregiment Alumni Corps, which should be awesome.

Oh, wait.  Troopers already announced their show.  The conclusion of the saga.  WOW.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Celebrating the X Men

 DCI Semifinals
Friday, August 9, 2024
Lucas Oil Stadium
Indianapolis, IN

I woke up earlier than Bro and V and started blogging about Prelims.  Bro and V eventually woke up and got us Starbucks in our hotel, and we relaxed and watched Olympics Breakdancing and Rhythmic Gymnastics because nobody was ready to eat lunch prior to walking to the stadium.  Once we got there, we had a few minutes for me to find out that although Chicken Caesar Salad is listed on the digital menu, it wasn't actually available.  I told the lady that they don't want me to eat healthy food.  She agreed, and asked if I still wanted the bottled water I ordered even though they had to take the cap.  I said yes, thinking of the cap that I kept from last night in my bag.  I arrived at our seats prior to Bro and V, whom had stopped for their lunches.  My friend Amy would join us later after her meeting.  

Our seats were in Section 139, Row 4, Seats 17-20, on the right 40-yard line, on the aisle.  

The Star-Spangled Banner was played by Edward S on the trumpet.

Top 12 scores advance to Finals, and are marked by *.

BATTALION -- 74.425
The trombone trio high fived each other after their feature.  Great rifle work.  The drum major died and fell off of the stand today.  Love all the emotion!

JERFEY SURF -- 74.425
I needed to use the facilities, so I was only able to watch while waiting to go back to my seat.  I danced a little bit as I waited, because the music is fun.

I saw Amy going down the wrong aisle, and called out to her.  She said that they told her to go down that one, and I told her they don't know, just follow me.  This was Amy's first drum corps show.  She marched at her high school doing tall flags.  We filled her in throughout the evening.  

CASCADES -- 76.075
I asked Amy what she thought the big prop was.  She said that it was a rocket at first, but when Dan said that the show was called "Sky Above", she figured out that it was a telescope.  She's so smart!  She pointed out to me that one of the color guard people was "living their best life".  I told her that was why we like sitting up close, to see their emotion because for some, this was their last show, like the guy pictured below, whom I presume has a boutineer because he's aging out.

GOLD -- 77.80
GO, ANDREW!!!  We yelled for a guy who asked for help calling out his friend.  Afterward, I asked him questions, because he said he also watched last year's show.  The connection is in the uniforms, symbolizing a person in one's life, and the effects fo war when we lose them.  Thanks, my dude.  Amy, who had left to get a beverage and watched from atop the stairs, came down to her seat and told us, "That was weird."  We laughed and I tried my best to explain that I had been confused all season.
But they still had those weird gold masks?

Goodbye, Drum Corps Jesus.

GENESIS -- 77.55
Amy loved that she didn't really have to figure out anything for this show, and said the word "pylons", so I told her that I wondered if Sleestak would come out of them.  She laughed and laughed and started singing all of the lyrics to the theme from "The Land of the Lost".  This is why we're friends.

BLUE DEVILS B -- 81.075
My group helped me yell, "GO, KIYOSHI!!!" but I don't think he could hear us.  I missed seeing him on the big screen.  :(  The 2 was correct this time.

SPARTANS -- 81.525
S:  "Butterfly! Butterfly!"  
Bro said that he saw it yesterday but didn't think it really like a butterfly, getting all judgey.  
S about the aliens playing instruments:  "That's what we'll look like when we'e reached utopia."

Pure Joy

Amy and V walked with me to the Troopers booth so that I could get a shirt.  I also bought some cool stickers.

Hey, they started 2 minutes early.

MUSIC CITY -- 82.625
There's a horn in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza, there's a horn in the bucket, dear Liza, a horn.  Amy thinks that the singer should be live for this one, as I do.  I swear, I didn't prompt her!  After all, there's only one voice, and the show would be so much cooler if it was like the revival I want it to be.

ACADEMY -- 82.175
Amy saw the doors and immediately thought of "Book of Mormon", and started singing the opening song.  "Hello!"  I did not make faces during the ballad in case I got on camera  I feel like the trumpet was worse today than the trombone.  Was that happening all season?  Ugh. 

Ooh, I like the drum major jacket.  I really love how the music fits with whatever is going on at the field.  Beautifully done, Spirit!  I will miss those creatures.

CROSSMEN -- 84.875
Juggling cymbals!  The electric bass was very cool.  Amy really liked the show and said the soloists sounded much better than those in the Academy.

I didn't notice yesterday that their signature dots were studded on their uniform chests.  Very nice.  Great music, BK!

Color guard was ON POINT!  I will miss that rama lama ding dong piece.  Congrats, PC, on such a successful season!

My favorite part is the last song, when they reveal the fleur-de-lis tiles.  Oh, that's not a feather; it's a piece of tile, made of construction paper.  Well, at least it looks like construction paper from my view.

TROOPERS -- 88.80*
I love that show!  Chill devil with the acoustic guitar.  Also, the devil wears cowboy boots.  The next day, Bro, V, and I talked about our theories of this show.  V and I thought that the Trooper sends the devil back to hell, and Bro thought that they were already in hell, and the Trooper came back to hell.  Or something like that.  Anyway you think about it, the show is awesome.

CAVALIERS -- 88.525*
Their faces are on their flags!  Great job, color guard!


COLTS -- 90.175*
Their uniforms are really cool: there is the word "Colts" in cursive on their chests, and one side is red, the other white, the pants have print of fields on them...and they have one shoe that is black, and one that is white!  Those poor, neglected other shoes!  They will need to wear the other ones now, to match the wear and tear.  Seed Balls.  That's what I'm calling those things.

BLUE STARS -- 91.5*
Very nice!  Beautiful brass.  Oh, they start with different uniforms for each section of the corps, then they get all sparkly.  

MANDARINS -- 92.525*
I love that trumpet duet.  The trombone soloist is on fire today!

Trumpet Soloist looks like Orlando Bloom

That trumpet soloist is awesome!  OK, so the VANGUARD yell is at the end after the last "I hope you find..."  I'm going to get this!  Amy liked that they didn't have a lot of props on the field.  So she's not going to call OSHA on SCV this year, I guess.  She was concerned about everybody with the big props being moved around the field.

Amy asked me which corps she could miss because she needed to leave for a minute.  Ummm. not this one, or the next one?  So, SO GOOD, Phregiment!  I love that "Moonlight Sonata" and everything about this show.  

What you can't see from the above video is that she also has "SUTA" written on the palm of her right glove.  BAD.  ASS.

Afterward, Phregiment Drum Major Keri was interviewed on the big screen as this is her age-out year.  She's going to start her job as a teacher on Monday.  She said, "Managing a drum corps is a lot like managing a Kindergarten classroom."  Thank you, Keri, for your 5 years with the Phregment.  SUTA to you!  At you?  For you?  Well, SUTA. Whatever that means.

I couldn't see the flame due to the drum major obstrucing my view, so it's good that Amy left for this one.  Great show from my view of the rest of the field, though.

Very cool that she looks like she's using the
arrow on her flag!

Scholarships and volunteer recognition were announced.

BLUE DEVILS -- 96.55*
Amy when she saw the props:  "The circus is here!"
They just play so well!  Very clean.  Color Guard was just on fire.  

Hoop Shot!

Their LEDs are messing with my camera, man.  Such a fun show, though.  "EARTHQUAKE!"  The scratcher was so fun to watch, and she looked like she was having the time of her life.  Rifles were outstanding.  I don't know if they have their traditional "Conquest" moment in this show.  Maybe it's very subtle?

Another kind of hoop shot

Rifle Toss

Amy left after this show, because she didn't want to be stuck in the post-show traffic.  Thank you for joining us, Amy!

Recognition to a member of the Boston color guard, presented by USMC.

BLUECOATS -- 97.925*
I watched the drum major a lot of the time to see how he handled all of the crazy time signature changes, which, are, yes: EVERYTHING.  I would like a Happy Meal now.  There was a family with "MC Pit" jerseys, so I was, like, "I told you they Bluecoats remind me of Ronald McDonald!"  Later, Bro informed us that they were actually part of the Music City corps.  Oh.

Exhibition Performance

Open Class Gold Medalists:  SPARTANS
Wait.  Some of them don't have any shirts on.  Just body paint.  When we reach Youtopia, we will be half-naked, I guess.
Got the medal, got the trophy, got it all.

Whoa.  That one guy has a LOT of medals.

Congratulations on a great year, Spartans!

More scholarships were announced.
Hall of Fame Memoriam and Inductees tributes.

Their repertoire was called "Bells", and tonight's corps included alumni from 1971 - 2023.  I told Bro, "If they don't play 'Birdland', this is all a waste of my time."  I was kidding, of course.  I, like Bro, was happy to see the old uniform on the corps.  

Those mallets look like googly eyes

Current Drum Major gets his hat from
the Alumni Corps DM

Crossmen X Salute

And then, my wish came true!  Sorry for the bouncy video.  I was quite excited, but maybe not as much as the lady in front of me.  :)

We did not stay for the final scores or the Age-Out ceremony.  We again needed to go to the main entrance doors to exit.  So irritating.  We took a look at what was available at the little market at the hotel, but there wasn't anything I wanted.  I'm glad we had brought our own snacks!  Note for next time:  we have a refrigerator in the room, so if we have time and I can find them, I'll get some veggies or fruit or something for our late-night arrivals.  

Next Up:  FINALS