- I've never before seen such non-elegant unicorns.
- It's like "Weekend at Bernie's", Pixar style!
- I love Barley and all of his knowledge about the magic world.
- Tom Holland is really good at playing insecure teenagers. OK, teenagers. "Insecure" is redundant.
- Mom Laurel is kickass. She's such a great mom, supporting her kids and physically defending them, too.
- Fun stuff when the school building turned into the dragon. It reminded me a little bit about the scene with the toy pitch in "Big" when the guy's idea was to transform the toy into a building. This was much better.
- Hey, I know that Leap of Faith thing. I like Indiana Jones, too. I saw the film in IMAX, and the height made me a bit nervous.
- I liked the Manticore's Tavern. I also liked the sign referring to Second Breakfast. I don't know if I was the only one in the theater to giggle aloud at that.
- "First name?" "The."
I enjoyed that movie, and it gave me the catharsis I needed. I cried a lot. A LOT.
Looking forward to seeing it again, maybe with drier eyes.