Monday, June 22, 2020

Journey to a Harmonic Past

Happy Father's Day, all of you dads out there!

Today, my family had a (socially distant) gathering, and I asked Bro and V what was their favorite non-Vanguard show.  Bro had a list of shows that he needed to choose from.  V couldn't even begin to think, but agreed with one of Bro's choices:  "Harmonic Journey" by the 2003 Phantom Regiment.

I was not blogging yet back then, but I do remember that season.  Phregiment made a trip to California, much to our delight, and I remember feeling joy hearing their arrangement of Pachelbel's "Canon in D".  

This was the year that we took Rudy to his first DCI competition.  Before Phregiment's show was over, Rudy was in absolute tears.  I loved that he enjoyed the activity so much, and he has joined us every year since then.  Whenever I see him wearing his Phregiment visor, I think of that weekend.  

By the time we got to Finals in Orlando, the show had become a favorite of many, many people.  It is certainly one of my top 3 favorite Phregiment shows, and I cherish my Harmonic Journey shirt from that year, whether or not fits me anymore.

We remember the ending of this show, and Bro can tell you what happens in every part of the video below, even when he's not watching it or hearing the music at the moment.  He was spot on when he was talking about it today.

Here is a video of one of the alumni from that corps year, which is a bunch of still photos with the music from the semifinals recording, dedicated to the rest of the corps.  I love the map he shows at the beginning, showing the tour route.  There we are!

Here is video of the full show.  Check out its simplicity and the beauty.

Phregiment earned 4th place that year at DCI Finals in Orlando, with a score of 94.75.  

Some of my photos from that week:

Quarterfinals Night: End of show

Semifinals Night:  Drum Major Salute

Semifinals Night:  Getting the baton

Semifinals night:  Traditional color guard for Phregiment
at the back stands

Finals Night: just before the leap

I don't know how this was 17 years ago, but drum corps sure has added a lot more props since then!

Next up:  Back to SCV

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