Friday, August 23, 2024

Celebrating the X Men

 DCI Semifinals
Friday, August 9, 2024
Lucas Oil Stadium
Indianapolis, IN

I woke up earlier than Bro and V and started blogging about Prelims.  Bro and V eventually woke up and got us Starbucks in our hotel, and we relaxed and watched Olympics Breakdancing and Rhythmic Gymnastics because nobody was ready to eat lunch prior to walking to the stadium.  Once we got there, we had a few minutes for me to find out that although Chicken Caesar Salad is listed on the digital menu, it wasn't actually available.  I told the lady that they don't want me to eat healthy food.  She agreed, and asked if I still wanted the bottled water I ordered even though they had to take the cap.  I said yes, thinking of the cap that I kept from last night in my bag.  I arrived at our seats prior to Bro and V, whom had stopped for their lunches.  My friend Amy would join us later after her meeting.  

Our seats were in Section 139, Row 4, Seats 17-20, on the right 40-yard line, on the aisle.  

The Star-Spangled Banner was played by Edward S on the trumpet.

Top 12 scores advance to Finals, and are marked by *.

BATTALION -- 74.425
The trombone trio high fived each other after their feature.  Great rifle work.  The drum major died and fell off of the stand today.  Love all the emotion!

JERFEY SURF -- 74.425
I needed to use the facilities, so I was only able to watch while waiting to go back to my seat.  I danced a little bit as I waited, because the music is fun.

I saw Amy going down the wrong aisle, and called out to her.  She said that they told her to go down that one, and I told her they don't know, just follow me.  This was Amy's first drum corps show.  She marched at her high school doing tall flags.  We filled her in throughout the evening.  

CASCADES -- 76.075
I asked Amy what she thought the big prop was.  She said that it was a rocket at first, but when Dan said that the show was called "Sky Above", she figured out that it was a telescope.  She's so smart!  She pointed out to me that one of the color guard people was "living their best life".  I told her that was why we like sitting up close, to see their emotion because for some, this was their last show, like the guy pictured below, whom I presume has a boutineer because he's aging out.

GOLD -- 77.80
GO, ANDREW!!!  We yelled for a guy who asked for help calling out his friend.  Afterward, I asked him questions, because he said he also watched last year's show.  The connection is in the uniforms, symbolizing a person in one's life, and the effects fo war when we lose them.  Thanks, my dude.  Amy, who had left to get a beverage and watched from atop the stairs, came down to her seat and told us, "That was weird."  We laughed and I tried my best to explain that I had been confused all season.
But they still had those weird gold masks?

Goodbye, Drum Corps Jesus.

GENESIS -- 77.55
Amy loved that she didn't really have to figure out anything for this show, and said the word "pylons", so I told her that I wondered if Sleestak would come out of them.  She laughed and laughed and started singing all of the lyrics to the theme from "The Land of the Lost".  This is why we're friends.

BLUE DEVILS B -- 81.075
My group helped me yell, "GO, KIYOSHI!!!" but I don't think he could hear us.  I missed seeing him on the big screen.  :(  The 2 was correct this time.

SPARTANS -- 81.525
S:  "Butterfly! Butterfly!"  
Bro said that he saw it yesterday but didn't think it really like a butterfly, getting all judgey.  
S about the aliens playing instruments:  "That's what we'll look like when we'e reached utopia."

Pure Joy

Amy and V walked with me to the Troopers booth so that I could get a shirt.  I also bought some cool stickers.

Hey, they started 2 minutes early.

MUSIC CITY -- 82.625
There's a horn in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza, there's a horn in the bucket, dear Liza, a horn.  Amy thinks that the singer should be live for this one, as I do.  I swear, I didn't prompt her!  After all, there's only one voice, and the show would be so much cooler if it was like the revival I want it to be.

ACADEMY -- 82.175
Amy saw the doors and immediately thought of "Book of Mormon", and started singing the opening song.  "Hello!"  I did not make faces during the ballad in case I got on camera  I feel like the trumpet was worse today than the trombone.  Was that happening all season?  Ugh. 

Ooh, I like the drum major jacket.  I really love how the music fits with whatever is going on at the field.  Beautifully done, Spirit!  I will miss those creatures.

CROSSMEN -- 84.875
Juggling cymbals!  The electric bass was very cool.  Amy really liked the show and said the soloists sounded much better than those in the Academy.

I didn't notice yesterday that their signature dots were studded on their uniform chests.  Very nice.  Great music, BK!

Color guard was ON POINT!  I will miss that rama lama ding dong piece.  Congrats, PC, on such a successful season!

My favorite part is the last song, when they reveal the fleur-de-lis tiles.  Oh, that's not a feather; it's a piece of tile, made of construction paper.  Well, at least it looks like construction paper from my view.

TROOPERS -- 88.80*
I love that show!  Chill devil with the acoustic guitar.  Also, the devil wears cowboy boots.  The next day, Bro, V, and I talked about our theories of this show.  V and I thought that the Trooper sends the devil back to hell, and Bro thought that they were already in hell, and the Trooper came back to hell.  Or something like that.  Anyway you think about it, the show is awesome.

CAVALIERS -- 88.525*
Their faces are on their flags!  Great job, color guard!


COLTS -- 90.175*
Their uniforms are really cool: there is the word "Colts" in cursive on their chests, and one side is red, the other white, the pants have print of fields on them...and they have one shoe that is black, and one that is white!  Those poor, neglected other shoes!  They will need to wear the other ones now, to match the wear and tear.  Seed Balls.  That's what I'm calling those things.

BLUE STARS -- 91.5*
Very nice!  Beautiful brass.  Oh, they start with different uniforms for each section of the corps, then they get all sparkly.  

MANDARINS -- 92.525*
I love that trumpet duet.  The trombone soloist is on fire today!

Trumpet Soloist looks like Orlando Bloom

That trumpet soloist is awesome!  OK, so the VANGUARD yell is at the end after the last "I hope you find..."  I'm going to get this!  Amy liked that they didn't have a lot of props on the field.  So she's not going to call OSHA on SCV this year, I guess.  She was concerned about everybody with the big props being moved around the field.

Amy asked me which corps she could miss because she needed to leave for a minute.  Ummm. not this one, or the next one?  So, SO GOOD, Phregiment!  I love that "Moonlight Sonata" and everything about this show.  

What you can't see from the above video is that she also has "SUTA" written on the palm of her right glove.  BAD.  ASS.

Afterward, Phregiment Drum Major Keri was interviewed on the big screen as this is her age-out year.  She's going to start her job as a teacher on Monday.  She said, "Managing a drum corps is a lot like managing a Kindergarten classroom."  Thank you, Keri, for your 5 years with the Phregment.  SUTA to you!  At you?  For you?  Well, SUTA. Whatever that means.

I couldn't see the flame due to the drum major obstrucing my view, so it's good that Amy left for this one.  Great show from my view of the rest of the field, though.

Very cool that she looks like she's using the
arrow on her flag!

Scholarships and volunteer recognition were announced.

BLUE DEVILS -- 96.55*
Amy when she saw the props:  "The circus is here!"
They just play so well!  Very clean.  Color Guard was just on fire.  

Hoop Shot!

Their LEDs are messing with my camera, man.  Such a fun show, though.  "EARTHQUAKE!"  The scratcher was so fun to watch, and she looked like she was having the time of her life.  Rifles were outstanding.  I don't know if they have their traditional "Conquest" moment in this show.  Maybe it's very subtle?

Another kind of hoop shot

Rifle Toss

Amy left after this show, because she didn't want to be stuck in the post-show traffic.  Thank you for joining us, Amy!

Recognition to a member of the Boston color guard, presented by USMC.

BLUECOATS -- 97.925*
I watched the drum major a lot of the time to see how he handled all of the crazy time signature changes, which, are, yes: EVERYTHING.  I would like a Happy Meal now.  There was a family with "MC Pit" jerseys, so I was, like, "I told you they Bluecoats remind me of Ronald McDonald!"  Later, Bro informed us that they were actually part of the Music City corps.  Oh.

Exhibition Performance

Open Class Gold Medalists:  SPARTANS
Wait.  Some of them don't have any shirts on.  Just body paint.  When we reach Youtopia, we will be half-naked, I guess.
Got the medal, got the trophy, got it all.

Whoa.  That one guy has a LOT of medals.

Congratulations on a great year, Spartans!

More scholarships were announced.
Hall of Fame Memoriam and Inductees tributes.

Their repertoire was called "Bells", and tonight's corps included alumni from 1971 - 2023.  I told Bro, "If they don't play 'Birdland', this is all a waste of my time."  I was kidding, of course.  I, like Bro, was happy to see the old uniform on the corps.  

Those mallets look like googly eyes

Current Drum Major gets his hat from
the Alumni Corps DM

Crossmen X Salute

And then, my wish came true!  Sorry for the bouncy video.  I was quite excited, but maybe not as much as the lady in front of me.  :)

We did not stay for the final scores or the Age-Out ceremony.  We again needed to go to the main entrance doors to exit.  So irritating.  We took a look at what was available at the little market at the hotel, but there wasn't anything I wanted.  I'm glad we had brought our own snacks!  Note for next time:  we have a refrigerator in the room, so if we have time and I can find them, I'll get some veggies or fruit or something for our late-night arrivals.  

Next Up:  FINALS

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