Monday, July 3, 2023

Sinners and Cut-outs in Vista

 Corps at the Crest - Oceanside
Saturday, July 1, 2023
Rancho Buena Vista High School
Vista, CA

Bro picked me up and we slowly made our way down to Oceanside.  I say "slowly" because once we got to San Onofre, the Waze app said that it would still take us over an hour to get to Oceanside, which was about 19 miles away.  What?  This is not L.A.  We did remember the traffic from last year, but we thought that was because it was a Friday afternoon.  We did pass the remains of a 6-vehicle crash, but then there was still a lot of traffic after that for no apparent reason.  Along the way, Bro told me stories about going to BD Family Day last week, which sounds like it was a lot of fun except for some people sitting behind him that kept saying wrong things.  

We arrived at the Best Western Plus in Oceanside and unpacked before going to McDonald's to get something to eat before the show because I hadn't eaten any lunch.  On our way there, we spotted a Sizzler and decided to eat there instead.  Bro thought the Honey Garlic Shrimp had heavy breading, so I suggested he just eat the shrimp part, which turned out to be a good idea and he was able to eat all of his shrimp.  Next time, Bro's going back to the regular shrimp.  Despite that, we were happily fed and drove to the high school.  

Unfortunately, the parking lot was full, and we ended up parking at the strip mall lot at the end of the very long block.  We had passed Rudy as he was calling me, so he waited for us to catch up and we walked together to the merchandise booth.  I had realized that I hadn't packed pajamas, so I was happy that Academy had my size of plaid pajama pants for sale.  I also got a Goddess t-shirt from Pacific Crest because I liked the design, and because it's PC.  There was a kid at the PC booth whom was doing a great job of helping get stuff for people in line, and also upselling the merch.  That kid's going to be a terrific businessman someday.

Our seats were in Section C, Row T, seats 9-11, which was on the left 45-50 yard line.  Nice to have center seats for the first show of the season!  That said, Bro and I will probably get VIP seats next year, so that we're a little bit higher up, and maybe we'll be able to get parking included.  Maybe.  We all noticed that the DCI website said that parking would be $5.00, but it was actually $10.00.  We would have paid it anyway, but not everyone can do that, so something needs to be fixed.  Like, maybe we can have the event at a school that has more parking available.  Like a college.  I know I ask for a lot. 

Ready to start the season!

The Star-Spangled Banner was beautifully sung a capella by Bianca D.  

Hi, Ryan T!  It's good to hear the Voice of Southern California again.  

Repertoire: "BD C-Fari" -- Welcome to the Jungle by W.B.J. Rose, S. Hudson, and J.D. Isbell ; Africa by D. Paich and J.Porcaro; Eye of the Tiger by F. Sullivan and J. Peterik, Roar by K. Perry, L.Gottwald, M. Martin, B.McKee, and H. Walter

Rudy: "Ca CAW!!" in response to whatever birds were featured.  He could not stop giggling at the cuteness.
Nice duets and solos! OMG, that little trumpeter is tiny!  Also, the little girl was not very much taller than the rifle she was holding.  I like the way that the palm trees wave in the wind.  I love the drum wraps.

Bro and I talked about the Troopers, and Rudy started to sing "Super Trooper" by ABBA. Can you imagine the Troopers doing an ABBA show with bell bottom military uniforms?  Bro doesn't think that would work.  

Repertoire: "The Dark (K)night" (repertoire not available)

We did not have any programs, and I don't remember hearing the name of the show, so I just kind of figured it was some kind of film noir-themed show because of the narration.  They had 10 snares, which make up more than half of the total battery.  There were some intonation issues, and I don't care for narration, but it did set the mood.

Repertoire: "Maverick" --  Darkstar by H. Faltermeyer & L. Balfe; You're Where You Belong by H. Zimmer, M. Tucker, and S. Germanotta; I Ain't Worried by R.Tedder, B. Kutzle, T. Spry, P. Morén, B. Yttling, and J. Eriksson; The Man, The Legend by H. Zimmer, , H. Faltermeyer, M. Tucker, and S. Germanotta; Hold My Hand by M. Tucker & S. Germanotta

As they were setting up, they did that very familiar chord that starts the "Top Gun" movies, and Bro knew exactly what the show was about.  
Rudy:  "Uh oh.  There's a tarp."  Then he started humming "Toxic", and I got the "Pitch Perfect" rendition of that song in my head.  Also, we laughed a lot.  Ah, days of drum corps past.  
That's my drum major guy with the !-shaped hair!  He was wearing a hat today, though.  Show needs more horns.  It was fun, though.  "Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!"  

Repertoire: "Serpentine" (repertoire not available)

The name of the show made me want to see "Ourobouros" again.  The bass guitarist was getting all into the music.  I like that energy!  The scarves seem like they're only there to keep their necks warm.  While I like the accent of color, it looks sloppy because they're all over the place.
Rudy: "Nice, solid wall of sound."

Repertoire: "Fathers of Electricity" --  Part 1: Benjamin Franklin and the kite and key experiment; Part 2: Thomas Edison and the invention of the lightbulb; Part 3: Alessandro Volta and the first battery; Part 4: Nikola Tesla and the Tesla Coil all by J. Meehan, S. Clark, and  C. Tantavirojn 

I said that the yellow sleeve on the uniforms looks like the "Ghostlight" uniforms from 2019 BD -A corps.  He said that was interesting because the show has a similar theme.  I guessed that maybe it ws Tesla.  Then Ryan T said the name of the show, and I said, "See, Tesla!"  Wait.  Are those Vanguard's flags from their Tesla show?!  Great show, BDB.

Repertoire: "The Hands That Pull the Strings" -- 1st Symphony by J. Brahms; Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) by J. Cain & S. Perry; Russians by GMT Sumner

They had ramps that were decorated with a pattern that kind of looked like deconstructed pitchforks.  It was obvious right away that this would be a show of darkness.  Seeing that the main guard guy was a puppetmaster, I turned to Rudy and said, "If you start doing your puppet dance, I don't know..."  We didn't see any gold in the show until the color guard started using very shiny gold modified rifles.  There were several drops, which made me wonder if maybe the rifles were TOO shiny.  Separate Ways!!!!  So good!  I don't know what was up with that glowing cube, but it did remind me of the Mandarins' Life Rite After show.  I'm pretty sure they went to hell, or the devil was sent back to hell, or something. 

Rudy was not paying attention earlier this year when I posted that Vanguard was not marching this year due to financial issues.  He just thought that they weren't coming to So Cal.  So I asked Bro to explain to Rudy because I just can't.  Suffice to say, this is kind of a bittersweet day for me because I so, so want Vanguard to be here and I'm sad that they're not, but I'm also excited to see drum corps on the field.  Bro said that he's more relaxed than usual because he has "no skin in the game".   Same.  It's especially painful, though, when all of the memories of past years come up on Facebook and Google Photos, and they're very heavily focused on Vanguard.  I'll try not to be sad, though, even though I'm about to cry right now.

Repertoire: "Sol Et Luna: Until Our Next Eclipse" (repertoire not available)

Is that the Mandarins' huge circular stage?  Bro said that there would be a battle on the stage.  We never saw one.  I miss the military academy- like uniforms.   Very nice opening! Beautiful rendition of Billy Joel's "And So It Goes", especially by the low brass. Bro thinks he heard some of "Unchained Melody" in there, too.  

Repertoire: "Sinnerman" --  Sinnerman (Traditional); Take Me to Church by A. Hozier-Byrne; Smile by C. Chaplin, J. Turner, and G. Parsons; Swing Symphony (4th Movement) by. W. Marsalis; Présage  by. D. Denis; I'm Tired by T. McKenzie, S. Levinson, and Zendaya

JUST WOW!!!!!  That guy is upside down.  That wall/platform/spinning thing!  The solos and duets!  Those ensembles!  They've got some Vanguard blood in there, I think.  That RED!  The transition to "Smile" was so good!  I also liked the integration of "I'm tired" into the show.  Those rifles!  Dude, I need to see that show many more times.  

Repertoire:  "The Cut-Outs" -- The Rise by D. Glyde; Caves by C. Fry; Jojo's Bizarre Adventure  by H. Tominaga, S. Fujibayashi, and H.Tanaka; Jotaaro's Theme from Stardust Crusaders by Y. Kanno; Resistance by D. Glyde; Both Sides Now by J. Mitchell; Of Energ by A. Kahney & A. O'Hara;  Incident in Jazz  by B. Graettinger; Grand Canyon Fanfare by J.N. Howard  

They've got some crazy pants going on.  I tried to figure out the show beforehand, and said, "Art stuff".  Bro said I could stop right there.  They do a lot of themes about art.  Guard is so good with their throws, making it look easy.  My ears hurt now.  Cool big dance block with arm choreography.

Repertoire: "Goddess" --  La Cathédrale Englouti by C. Debussy;  Ave Maria by F. Biebl;  Danse Diabolique by H. Josef; Watershed by V. Teng;  Gloriosa, Dies Festus III by Y. Ito; Scythian Suit by S. Prokofiev

They took Boston Crusaders' beach tarp and made it bigger.  
Bro: "Is this a mermaid show?
Sher: "Maybe it's a Wonder Woman show."
It was neither one.  I think there's too much white in the ocean waves on the tarp because there isn't enough contrast with the pants.  Unfortunately for PC, they performed after two very hard-hitting shows, so the reaction was lackluster.    Bro said that tomorrow night would be better for them, due to the lineup order.  Rudy did not like the show.  I didn't like it as much as other PC shows, but I'm willing to give it a chance.  Hmmm...looking at their repertoire, I'm going to need to listen for the Ave Maria, because that's their corps song.  Crest formation!

It was nice and chilly as we waited for scores to be announced.  I wanted to enjoy this before going into 100 degree heat tomorrow.


Open Class:
6) 48.45 Blue Devils C
5) 52.65 Impulse
4) 52.75 Vessel
3) 56.75 Golden Empire
2) 61.65 Gold
1) 62.10 Blue Devils B

World Class:
4) 64.05 Pacific Crest
3) 65.55 Academy
2) 71.20 Mandarins
1) 77.30 Blue Devils -- highest score nationwide

We walked the very long way back to our cars, and Rudy even passed his car because he wasn't paying attention.  Bro was happy that he didn't need to drive far, and we got some Americone Dream ice cream from the hotel pantry to share.  I was happy and comfy in my new pajama pants.

Next up: Western Corps Connection

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