Monday, June 23, 2014

Drum Corps in a Darkened Theater

I went to the movie theater tonight to see Drum Corps at the Cinema by Fathom Events.  The show was from Saturday night in Akron, OH. 


  • Cavaliers:  MARIMBAS!!!! Also, vampires.  Yay! 
  • Madison Scouts:  Trombones.  Sigh.
  • Boston Crusaders:  Masks.  All summer.  At least they're contoured to the guard members' faces.
  • Phregiment:  The tuba player they interviewed is a music major, and his main instrument is the violin.  :)
  • Cadets:  OMG, stop talking!  You are ruining "Appalachian Spring"!  This is going to drive me nuts at Finals.
  • Crown:  Somebody is going to fall off of those trampolines.
  • Bloo:  Dude said that several of their drum line members are from California.  REPRESENT!  They won drums, BTW.
  • Steve Rondinaro has lost his mind:  First, he says that he's actually OK with the trombones.  Then he says that he's not sure about Boston's show.  Then he says that the narration really adds to the Cadets' show.  I responded to him vocally, probably scaring the woman sitting next to me.
  • Theater wasn't very full today, which is too bad.  
  • Hoppy was the only corps director to do the interview.  Doesn't he have any staff that can speak instead?  I liked hearing from the other folks.
  • "There is a death.  Well, this is Phantom Regiment, and this is what we've come to expect from them."  .
  • It should be no surprise that the corps that I'm most looking forward to seeing in August do not use narration:  Cavaliers and Phregiment.
Four more days until LIVE drum corps.  Whoo HOOO!!!


  1. Thanks for the recap, Sherry! I couldn't make the Event, myself.

    So the Scouts are using Trombones? No surprise, huh? A part of me thinks we should just banish them to Bands of America and be done with them.

    And, the Cadets have decided to add narration to a piece of music that did not previously have spoken words? Oh, I'm TOTALLY looking forward to that.

    I wonder if some of these shows might be "improved" if there was a sudden loss of electricity and all those microphones and amplifiers would suddenly stop working. Don't a lot of these shows utilize High School volunteers who also have field passes? I wonder how much it would cost to get a few of them to "accidentally" trip over some of those power cords right before step-off. Hmmm.

  2. Scouts are sing trombones, yes. But so is Vanguard. I wasn't thrilled about that, but when they use it in the show, it sounds REALLY good, and there are a lot of them.. Neither corps uses them while marching around; they use them at the front of the field, and leave them on stands the rest of the time.

    As for the narration, I don't know if I'll ever get that. I would like to interpret the show for myself, thank you. Bro said that on one of the forums, someone wished for narration for the SCV show so that we would know the "words to live by" that are referenced in the title. Don't know if they were trolling or not, but it made my skin crawl. Anyway, the Cadets show: they might be my hot dog corps this year, and that saddens me because I do love the music. If they took out the stage and the narration, the show would probably be perfect.

    You would have hated that BD had a microphone on the trumpet soloist again tonight. Yikes. But their show is crazy good. More about that to come on another post.

    Thanks for the comments! Hope you see the Big, Loud, Live event in August!
