Tuesday, June 25, 2024

How Do You Say "Twofer" in Hawaiian?

  Pella in Paradise
Day 4: Friday, October 6, 2023
Rockapella at The Blue Note Hawaii (2 shows)
Honolulu, HI

Bro and V hiked up to the Pillbox to watch the sunrise.  I stayed at the house and took pictures from the balcony of their room, and listened to roosters.  Maybe just one rooster that kept hitting his internal snooze alarm.  I don't know.

After they returned, we were all very hungry, and got dressed to go to breakfast at Boots & Kimo's.  We joined the queue outside the restaurant and decided what to eat because we were required to put in our order before being seated.  Inside the restaurant was a lot of memorabilia, mostly sports.

Wheaties boxes above our table

The food was delicious!  I had the Blueberry French Toast with Macadamia Sauce.  The toast was made with sweet Hawaiian bread, and I was happy!  I also had an iced coffee which took a while to get to me, but it's all good.  I only really noticed because it had been warm outside and I was thirsty.    I also had some of V's papaya, but I didn't want any lemon juice on it, so she kindly gave some to me before squeezing the lemon, which, yes, squirted to not just her plate.   I was just glad it missed my eyes.  

Blueberry French Toast

Papaya with Slice of Lemon

It's a Rockapella Day!

The line was quite long by the time we left the restaurant, so I was glad that we were still on California time and had arrived early.

On our drive home, we passed by this house and actually turned around to take pictures because the metal sculpture was really cool.  Like, I bet the inside of this house, or at least the backyard, could be a museum.

Bro and V took some time to rest as I did my nails.  By the time we were supposed to have lunch, none of us were really hungry, so we decided to go get some shave ice.  You know I can't be in Hawaii without having that.  Actually, maybe the first time I went to Hawaii, I didn't have shave ice.  No wonder I don't talk about that trip very often.

We took more of Mona's advice and drove to Island Snow.  It was inside a Patagonia store, which was confusing to us, but who am I to judge?  Just someone that wants some yummy shave ice.  I ordered one with mango, lychee, and guava flavors, and added mochi and condensed milk. 

Happy D'Saints with Shave Ice

See that gourd hanging at the bottom of the photo?  
This was my 4th or 5th attempt at capturing that on camera because
we were always going too fast.

Outside Buzz's.
Were those pumpkins there when we ate dinner?
We don't know.  It was dark then.

I like my nail color. 
Whoa, my skin was already really dark that day.

We took it home with us to enjoy on the lanai.  Now whenever I eat mochi, I think of V's story of trying to order mochi on top of her dole whip at Disneyland and I giggle.  A lot.  Like right now as I type this.  The shave ice was delicious, by the way. 

Gecko might also have wanted shave ice,
but I refused to give up any of mine.
Maybe if he had asked in an Australian accent,
... I would have screamed, dropped it, and ran away.

We still had a lot of time before leaving for the show.  We were thinking of taking the canoe down to the beach, but it was heavy.
  Then I took a dip in the pool until I heard people unlocking the garage door and thought Bro had found the key to the door.  Nope.  It was the guys coming to clean the pool.  So that ended, and instead I watched "Date Night" before getting ready.  I love that movie.  "Hey!  Who likes shirts?" 

Do you know how I know that we stayed at the right house besides the fact that it belongs to one of my lifelong friends?  They have the right kind of coffee in the fridge, and they use the right kind of windows.

The best part of wakin' up...

...is Pella on your window!
OK,I know that doesn't rhyme. 

Bro drove us to the Outrigger Waikiki resort hotel where the Blue Note was located.  He gave some extra money to the valet so we "would be taken care of" or something like that.  V and I were not really sure what transpired because we walked ahead of him and also we're not used to bribing anyone, especially for a rental car that she and I wondered if we'd ever see again.  

6:30 p.m. Show

The line hadn't formed yet, so we took some photos.  This was supposed to be the 2nd day of two shows, but the first day was canceled due to low ticket sales, I think.  I would have been fine with them performing for just the 3 of us, but we didn't pay enough to cover all of the seats in the venue.  

Ready to see our boys!

See the odd placement of the 6, 
because they deleted the 5?

I asked the gal at the podium where the line would be, and she walked me about 10 feet across the lobby to stand where the stanchions and velvet rope were about to be placed.  Yup, first in line!  Bro and V shopped at the Blue Note gift shop while I stood in line and posted to social media.  They had some cool stuff in there and I bought a drumstick pen and a journal with the Blue Note Hawaii logo.  Alas, they had no Rockapella merchandise, and I was told that it was available on their website.  Oh, like the shirt I was wearing earlier in the day?  OK, thanks.  

I returned to the line, and others had also lined up.  Since we were first in line, we had our choice of seats, so naturally, we sat in front because that's what we do.  The tables in the front were kind of like the set up at the Coach House, and there were also booths around the rest of the venue.  Those would be nice to sit at if this was not Rockapella.  We ordered our drinks: a "Blue Note" for me, a "Rock Steady" for Bro, and a "Tequila Sunrise" for V.  

I liked all of the music notes in the decor, like this one on the back of each chair.

We ordered our dinner, and it arrived prior to the start of the show, which made me happy because then I could eat before I needed to concentrate on the guys.  The food was pretty good, too.

I don't know why there's a piano on the stage.
Maybe it's too hard to move, or it's a storage issue.

I like the shadow of the glass on the table.

Hamachi Crudo

Seared Ahi with Forbidden Rice

Kalia Pork Tacos

We didn't take any photos during the show because the announcer said no photos.  So here is my hand touching the stage.

Set List!


Rockapella took the stage, and I noticed that CSL4 was wearing his heart from the Valentine's concert in Napa.  I so love that he still wears that thing, mostly because I remember when he wore it the first time.  

Rock Around Medley
They started singing this from off the stage, and they were clearly already having fun.  Scott smiled at me.  HI, SCOTT!!!

I think that the guys were confused by the piano.  The stage is already small enough, people!  I mean, I'm sure they had sound check and knew it was there, but it did take some adjustment for the choreography, especially because Manny covers a lot of stage when he dances.  

Dancin' in the Streets
JT and his thrusting, I swear.  

Bad, Bad Leroy Brown
What kind of dog is CSL4 supposed to be?

Manny was clowning on Cal.  I love that.

CSL4:  "You guys are very mahalo."  I don't think that means what he thinks it means.  He speaks Japanese, so he gets to use it in Hawaii.  

CSL4 talked about being in Branson, but there was no reaction.  "Nope."  

Moon River
Cal has been singing professionally for 30 years now. 

CSL4 was auditioning for The Temptations show on Broadway when CSL4 saw him and asked him to join Rockapella.  

Armand was nominated for a Grammy last year!

CSL4 said that they sing a lot of covers these days, but they used to sing a lot more original songs, and asked if we wanted to hear one of them.  Wait a minute.  I didn't see the next song listed on that piece of paper.  Scott needed to stand up for this one.

I Am Your Man
WHOO HOOO!!!  I whooped in delight, and JT blew a kiss at me.  I'll try not to read into that too much.  I said "try".  I'm glad Bro was there for that, because that was a song they sang at our very first Rockapella show.  He seemed happy.   

Rock the Boat
Armand did the 007 theme during his solo.   Geo used to do that, too, but somehow, Armand did a different take on it and made it his own.

Someone yelled "Folgers!"  CSL4 informed them that they needed this part of the show as a catharsis, and not audience participation.  I couldn't see where the voice was coming from in order to glare in their general direction.  
"Where in the world is Matt Lauer?" They all looked at each other, and one of them said, "Where is he?"  
It's been so long since I've seen them that I almost forgot about that part.

Marissa was chosen to join the guys on stage even though she drinks Starbucks.  CSL4 had walked around the audience so much that he didn't know how to get them onto the stage.  Marissa is a waitress at a place on the beach.  

Stand By Me
Ain't Too Proud to Beg
Oh, she likes Armand!  


CSL4: "We sang this song every day for 59 years..."

Carmen SanDiego
JT interrupted his own solo to say, "Hi, Sherry."  Remember when I said I would try not to read too much into things?  Still trying.
We got to shout "OAHU!" in Oahu!!!

Up On The Roof / Wonderful World (off mic)

Remember when the food came early?  The check came during the show.  Like, late in the show. I was annoyed and told Bro that for the next show we needed to settle the bill beforehand.  

There was no meet and greet, but I did get to talk to JT for a minute.  He said he was sweaty.  I said that he's always sweaty when I see him.  (I'm trying!!!)  "Are you coming to the next one?"  
Sher:  "Of course!!" 
Pretty sure he already knew the answer, though.  :)

We needed to get in line again, so we went out to the lobby.  When I was coming back from the restroom, Bro indicated that I needed to go into the gift shop.  I said that I'd seen it, so I passed it this time.  He told me that CSL4 was inside.  I turned around and went to the gift shop.  

I kinda snuck up on him.  He said that they got a 40% discount and offered to let me shop with it.  Darn my stupid impulse earlier!  We saw a shirt that reminded us both of Fred.  I asked if he was in touch with him.  He said yes, and that "Fred wears the same thing every time.  He's so weird."  He said that the gig on Kauai was set up by a friend of his that lives there, and was happy that we were going there, too.  I wished him a good 2nd show, and he said they were kind of glad that the first night was canceled because they were all still on Eastern time and they were tired.  But they still don't disappoint because they are Rockapella.  

My notes at this point say something like "Fight between lobster and one of rocks."  Was there a lobster somewhere in the nearby restaurant?  I don't know.  Maybe it was part of CSL4's story during the first show that I wrote down again because it didn't make sense the first time.  Or the second time, APPARENTLY.

9:00 p.m. Show

Yes, this post is very long, mostly because I'm too lazy to write a Day 4 part 2.  Y'all have waited long enough, if you've waited at all.

We're over here now.

We decided to sit on the other side of center stage, to give others a chance to sit up front.   We ordered dessert, and asked for the check before the show started because Bro is a good bro.

Banana Bread Pudding with Coconut Drizzle

Strawberry Shortcake

This time, they didn't say "no photography" at all, so V took the photos seen below.

Rock Around Medley

Remember when we ordered the food?  It didn't actually arrive at our table until this song.  So I needed to wait a bit before taking those pictures.  Also, just because Bro asked for the check doesn't mean that it actually got there before the show.  Oh, well, we tried.

Jailhouse Rock

CSL4 asked who was from Hawai'i.  About 5 people.  Who was from out of town?  6.  Wait a minute, there were a lot more than 11 people in the audience.

Dancin' in the Street
Manny's feet!  They move so fast!  During the last verse, Armand went down an octave, and I about lost my mind, it was so low.

Leroy Brown
I don't think CSL4 is a dog.  I don't know what animal he sounds like, but it isn't a dog.

Satisfaction / Another Saturday Night / Cupid
Manny sang to Bro!!!


Moon River

CSL4 was getting confused between the words "Mahalo" and "Aloha".  I don't know why.  He knows words from multiple languages, but maybe it's because one of them means "hello" and "goodbye".

I Am Your Man
Even when I know it's coming, I get all excited about it.
Then Armand comes in with that low "Yeah", and whoo boy!  
Afterward, Manny raised up his arm at Scott in praise, and I totally get it.  The man is still a tenor beast.

Rock the Boat

Someone audibly questioned "the corporate devil", and CSL4 responded, "Yeah, that's what I said."

"As we have growed up."


Manny was OUT OF CONTROL during the 3rd Almond Joy.

NBC peacock flourish

This exchange happened after the Preparation H bit, between CSL4 and the drunk guy:
DG: You could do worse.
CSL4: Oh, really?  Please give me an example of how it could be worse.
Then something about giving somebody their royalties...it was weird.  I know that CSL4 likes dealing with the drunk people, though. The New Yorker in him comes out to play.

The exchange ended with something that "makes everyone better", and "Good to the Last Drop".  

Stand By Me
Ain't Too Proud to Beg
CSL4 walked around and found Gina.  It was her 40th anniversary with husband Tom.  She danced with all of the guys, and CSL4 said, "Tom, you've got your hands full, buddy."



Carmen SanDiego
Well, now they only did this song for 58 years.  
Manny's got the moves like Leonard

Up On The Roof / Wonderful World  (off mic)

There still wasn't a meet and greet, but the guys came out to talk to those of us that were still there.

Manny gave Bro and me big hugs, and met V and gave her a hug, too.  We apologized to him for not being able to see him when he was in Vegas, but he understood.

I introduced myself to Armand.  He said that he had heard of me, and I was, like, "What?"  I told him that I loved how he made some notes lower than I'm used to, and he said that sometimes it's just because he's tired, but at the next show, he was going to look at me when it was being done on purpose, and I could write it down.  I do not know what other stuff the guys tell the new guy about their fans, but it made me blush and smile.  Maybe you can't see the blush, but it's there.  

We went back to the valet and at first I thought that we weren't going to get the car back because of whatever crazy trickery Bro had done with the valet guy who had already left for the night.  But we did after some explaining on his part, and he drove us home.

Thanks for two great shows, guys!

Next up:  KAUAI 

Friday, June 7, 2024

From Here to Eternity

 Pella in Paradise
Day 3: Thursday, October 5, 2023
Sightseeing on Oahu

Our goal for today was to watch the sunrise from the beach.   We woke up early and walked a few blocks to the beach, where there were already other people aiming to do the same.  Some people were doing yoga, which is awesome.  Maybe I'll do that the next time I'm here.  I guess I could have done that at the time, but I was too excited to take photos and stuff.  V was also excited to take photos and walked much farther than Bro and me, as we stayed close to our stuff and went into the nice warm water.  

First shot

At one point, Bro realized that he was standing on a coral reef, and there were little fish swimming around it.  We also enjoyed watching the dogs having fun on the beach, like one that was digging into the sand, and a Greyhound greeting a Labrador very excitedly.

Bro testing the water

Beautiful Sunrise 

It was so nice in that water that I was willing to stay in it all day long.  But we were hungry and we had other places to see!  On our way back to the house, I saw this nicely decorated tree.  

I bought this coverup at the Aloha Swap Meet.

Finally!  A hibiscus flower sighting!

Also:  Bananas!!

After we took our showers, we headed out for breakfast at Le Crepe Cafe.  As we waited for our food to be prepared, we sat at a table outside, right next to this sign.

I really like the corners on the tabletops!

Our coffee was kind of fancy looking, and the crepes were delicious.

Bro's Mango Passion Fruit crepe
with Strawberries and Vanilla ice cream

We had parked in the Foodland parking lot, and decided to go inside to get some more snacks.  We saw this guy there, but did not feed him.

I take pics of animals in parking lots.

I bought some specialty chocolate there, which had bits of banana in it, then we went home to reset before going sightseeing.

The first place we stopped at on our sightseeing drive was the Halona Blowhole Lookout.  When the waves crash on the rocks, there is an airpocket that provides an after-effect of mist that resembles a whale using its blowhole.  Here's a video.  Wait until the end for the full effect!

While we were there, I received a message from my toy pusher.  I mean, Collectibles Dealer.  I mean, Enabler.  I had won a kuji prize and she could not stop laughing when I joined her online show.  Everyone wanted to trade me for my new Vampire Mickey boxer shorts.  I loved them too much to give them up.  Meanwhile, Bro and V decided to hike down to the cove below.  I did not want to hike back up, so I stayed at the lookout area and took photos of them taking photos.

If the cove looks familiar to you, you may have seen it in a movie, maybe "From Here to Eternity" for that iconic kissing scene.

They did pose for me later,
 but did not reenact the kissing scene.

See those rocks?

See why I didn't go with them?  
They're at the area in the middle of the photo above this one.

I'm glad that Bro left the car keys with me, because it was quite warm and I was able to enjoy sitting in the shade of the lifted hatchback.  

We then drove to Makapu'u Lookout, where, if we had waited another month, we would probably have seen some humpback whales.  I think that the big rock formation actually looks like the shape of a whale. I just noticed that as I'm writing this 8 months later.  I'm a little slow.

Whale, right?

Bunker from WWII

We passed Buzz's on our way back but couldn't get dessert because it seemed very crowded.  So we snacked on the dragonfruit that I had bought at the swap meet.

Whole Dragonfruit

First Cut of Dragonfruit

Look at that beautiful color!  It was not very sweet, but I felt good eating the superfood.

As we were relaxing, I checked social media, and saw that JT had been AT THE BEACH WHERE WE WERE THAT MORNING!  I shouted such to Bro and he immediately grabbed a towel and made his way down to the beach.  V and I caught up with him shortly after, but we didn't see JT.  I messaged him to tell him to join us, but he had already left the area hours before.  Aw, bummer.  But we did get to see the remnants of a wedding on the beach:  someone had made a pathway bordered with petals.  I think Bro saw the end of the ceremony before we got there.


V and I lagged behind as usual, and V saw that the wedding party had set their leis aside, maybe to go swimming or something.  We looked around and didn't see anyone eyeing us, so we, um, borrowed the leis for this photo.  Because why the heck not?

I mean, look how beautiful they are on us!

So this whole thing about maybe seeing JT would have been so nice because we were originally scheduled to see Rockapella in Waikiki that day, but the show was canceled, so we (Rockapella and us) had a free evening on our hands.

The three of us decided to dine at Nico's Kailua.  I had a delicious Furikake-encrusted Ahi with white rice and steamed veggies, and a Lolosbunz drink.  Yeah, like "Lolo's Buns".  Like Grandpa's Derriere.  I don't know why it's called that, but it was YUMMY.  It was made of El Jimador Tequila, Fresh Lime Sour, Guava Puree, and Lychee with  Ai Li Hing Mui Rim.  So, um, yeah, we're coming back here next time we're in Hawaii.



Mango Passionfruit Cheesecake

Tropical Cheers!

When we got back to the house, V and I watched "THX 1138" because we realized that neither one of us had actually seen it.  I think we both fell asleep during different parts of it, thanks to alcohol and an active day.

Palm Tree Swaying at Nico's

Next up:  A Rockapella Day!